Fresh produce standards
Fruit and vegetables are the backbone of a healthy diet. Because they are often eaten raw, it’s very important that they are produced in a strictly controlled and hygienic way. Our strict criteria look to reduce the risk at every key stage of the process.
“Our Red Tractor accreditation helps us to get the message across to the consumer that our food is probably the safest in the world as it is farmed to Red Tractor standards. These are higher than food standards in other countries and this is really important to the UK public.”
Red Tractor salad grower

Our fresh produce standards include:

There must be clear
identification of the product throughout the supply chain to ensure full traceability back to farms.

Soil must be managed
in a manner that helps maintain soil condition.

Growers must meet rigorous hygiene standards and manage operations in a way that maintains food safety and minimises risk.

Practices must be adopted
to minimise the impact
of the farm on features
of biodiversity and conservation value on
or around the farm.