
Good food,

We work with around 350 independent assessors who between them, carry out more than 60,000 checks per year on farms, in places that prepare and/or sell food and other businesses in the food chain to ensure that rigorous standards are maintained at every key stage.

These checks and our standards mean that you can be more confident about the food you buy when it carries a Red Tractor logo, whether you’re buying from a supermarket, a local specialist or a restaurant.

Wheat field

Good for British farmers

Only assured produce from approved Red Tractor farm schemes can hold the Red Tractor logo. This means it can be traced right back through the supply chain to the British farms it came from.

Good for animal welfare

Animal welfare is a top priority for all Red Tractor livestock farmers. They work tirelessly to ensure the wellbeing of their animals and maintain herd and flock health.

Sheep and lamb
Farmers with cows
Sheep with farmer
Cutting broccoli
Couple shopping
plate of food